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The town of Nybro 2040

The town of Nybro 2040

The new comprehensive plan shows the intended development of the city of Nybro until 2040. The plan’s general objective is to achieve a cohesive city, both socially and physically.

New comprehensive plan for the town of Nybro

In June of 2022, the Municipal Council decided to adopt the plan.

Take part of the plan

Digital plan and interactive map

Fördjupad översiktsplan för Nybro stad

As a pdf

Comprehensive plan:
Nybro 2040, En sammanhållen stad, fördjupad översiktsplan

Enviromental impact assessment:

What happens now?

We can now implement the plan.

Survey 2020

During the months of June to September 2020, you as a citizen had the opportunity to speak your mind about what is good in Nybro and what could be changed. The survey consisted of two parts, workshops with associations and students and a survey with the general public. The results has been summarised as reports and as an interactive map. You can access the reports and maps through the links below.

Workshops with associations


Workshops with students

Interactive map Students

Report Students

Interactive map

What is a focused comprehensive plan?

A comprehensive plan is the municipality’s strategy for the use, developement and preservation of land and water. A focused comprehensive plan addresses a defined part of the municipality, in this case Nybro city. A focused plan makes it possible to describe the municipality’s intent, conditions and challenges for the city.

A cohesive city – 2040

A cohesive city makes everyone who works or lives in Nybro feel at home, regardless if you are in the city centre or in the surrounding districts in the city. It is easy to move around by foot or by bike from one district to another. The city’s parks and green areas are easy to reach by all and offers exciting activities while also giving room for rest and recovery. By 2040, Nybro will be ready for a changed climate with heat waves and heavy downpours.
A cohesive city is the main goal which has been divided into three partial goals that together will work towards a cohesive city.

  • A mixed and accessible smaller city
  • Accessible green areas in a changing climate
  • Developed communications and room for a strong business sector

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